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Measure 4.3 IAE OP Support for enterprises in the introduction of Best Available Techniques (BAT)


Measure 4.3 IaE OP Support for enterprises in the introduction of Best Available Techniques (BAT)

Institution responsible for acceptance and evaluation of project applications : National Fund for Environment Protection and Water Management

Beneficiary: Small-, medium-sized and large enterprises.

Supported projects: Changes in technologies aimed at:

  • - elimination of harmful impacts and nuisances through prevention and reduction of the amount of pollution discharged to the environment, e.g. modernisation and/or replacement of electrofilters, dust-collection and/or desulphurization systems or installations,

  • - reduction of demand for water, energy and natural resources, involving, in particular, reuse of waste heat and elimination of waste generation, excluding investment projects related to a construction and reconstruction of units producing energy in high-efficiency cogeneration,

  • - reduction of emissions of certain substances and consumption of energy down to the limit set forth in the national and community laws, and in BAT reference documents, e.g. reconstruction of heating installations in order to adjust them to BAT (excluding high-efficiency cogeneration).

Investment in installations reducing emissions to the environment (the so-called end-of-pipe installations), application of which is necessary in order to meet the increasingly stringent emission standards or to comply with the emission limit values and investment intended to ensure compliance with the integrated permit requirements.

Maximum value of the co-financing PLN 20 million

Minimum value of the project PLN 8 million (in the case of micro- and small-sized enterprises)


Measure 4.3 IaE OP Support for enterprises in the introduction of Best Available Techniques (BAT)


Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Krucza St. 50

00-025 Warsaw

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