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Measure 1.3 DOEP OP Support for innovation

Measure 1.3 DOEP OP Support for innovation

Institution responsible for acceptance and evaluation of project applications:  The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)

Beneficiary: Higher education establishments, research units, i.e. basic organisational units of higher schools, research units of the Polish Academy of Sciences, research and development centres, territorial self-government units, unions and associations of territorial self-government units, institutions supporting innovation development in the region (technology transfer centres, technology parks, industrial parks, business incubators), entrepreneurs, regional/local development agencies and foundations, non-governmental organizations.

Supported projects: Construction and other construction works and equipment for research institutions along with employment of qualified research staff, construction and other construction works and putting in operation of industrial parks, technology parks and incubators (e.g. technological), along with equipment for their laboratories and employment of qualified staff, construction and other construction works and putting in operation excellence centers and technology transfer centers, developing infrastructure for research and development units in businesses along with employment qualified research staff, preparation of land for investment to create production and modern services zones (e.g. logistic centres, machinery parks etc.) - comprehensive preparation of land for investment along with construction of internal roads, connecting such roads with the existing communications system and providing utilities.

Minimum value of the project: investment project (other than listed below) - PLN 12 million, comprehensive preparation of land for investment - PLN 4 million

Measure 1.3 DOEP OP Support for innovation


Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Krucza St. 50

00-025 Warsaw

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