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Measure 9.2 IAE OP Efficient distribution of energy

Measure 9.2 IaE OP Efficient distribution of energy

Institution responsible for acceptance and evaluation of project applications: National Fund for Environment Protection and Water Management

Beneficiary: Entrepreneurs, territorial self-government units as well as unions and associations thereof, entities providing public services under agreements concluded with territorial self-government units.

Supported projects: Construction (in place of the existing system) or reconstruction of:

  • the medium-, low- and high-voltage distribution networks intended to reduce power loss within networks,

  • the heat distribution networks and heat distribution substations through the application of energy-saving technologies and solutions.

Maximum value of the co-financing PLN 50 million

Minimum value of the project PLN 20 million

Minimum own contribution: Financial resources of beneficiary, who is a local government unit or a unit subordinated to it, destined to guarantee own contribution, have to at least partially (5% of eligible expenditures) come from own contribution or not discontinued  loans.


Measure 9.2 IaE OP Efficient distribution of energy


Polish Investment and Trade Agency

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00-025 Warsaw

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