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Measure 3.1 IE OP Initiating innovative activities

Measure 3.1 IE OP Initiating innovative activities

Institution responsible for acceptance and evaluation of project applications : The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)

Beneficiary: Institutions supporting establishment of innovative enterprises, e.g. incubators, including incubators of academic entrepreneurship, centres of technology and innovation transfer, technology accelerators, research and technology parks.

Supported projects: Projects related to research for and evaluation of innovative concepts presented by potential entrepreneurs, preparatory work intended to establish a new enterprise based on such a concept, capital investment in a newly founded enterprise.

Maximum amount of support: Capital entry into a newly established enterprise - less than 50% of shares and no more than EUR 200.000 The amount of support to cover costs connected with identification of innovative solutions and verification of    their market potential (conducting innovative solution researches, analysis of innovative solution researches, preparation of businessplan and feasibility study) can not exceed 50% of expenditures eligible for support.

Measure 3.1 IE OP Initiating innovative activities




Polish Investment and Trade Agency

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