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Measure 2.1 PO KL Development of human resources for modern economy

Measure 2.1 PO KL Development of human resources for modern economy

2.1.1 Development of human capital in enterprises

Institution responsible for acceptance and evaluation of project applications: The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)

Beneficiary: entrepreneurs, entities (not entrepreneurs) who conduct their activity in order to increase level of employment, develop human or adaptive potential

Supported projects: Supra-regional closed projects involving training (general and specialist training) and consultancy services for entrepreneurs and enterprise staff, based on the individual strategies of company development, countrywide open projects involving training (general and specialist training) and consultancy services for entrepreneurs and enterprise staff, post-graduate studies for entrepreneurs and enterprise staff.

Minimum value of the project: PLN 400 thousand


Measure 2.1 PO KL Development of human resources for modern economy

Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Krucza St. 50

00-025 Warsaw

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