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Measure 5.3 IE OP Support for innovation centres


Measure 5.3 IE OP Support for innovation centres (individual projects)

Institution responsible for acceptance and evaluation of project applications:  The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)

Beneficiary: Highly specialized business environment institutions providing services with a high market and technology potential, including entities managing science and technology parks, technology incubators, advanced technology centres, productivity centres and other centres providing specialist services for entrepreneurs, in particular for SMEs.

Supported projects:

1. Consultancy related to the preparation of the centre’s development strategy considering the needs of entrepreneurs (e.g. feasibility studies, market research in the context of entrepreneurs’ demand for highly specialist services).

2. Consultancy and promotion resulting from the centre’s development strategy (databases, coaching, matching partners, seeking projects to be supported, seeking markets for products manufactured by the centre, estimating costs of the implementation of a given project for production by the entrepreneur, the assessment of the market value of the R&D results).

3. Investments resulting from the centre’s development strategy implemented in terms of the extension or modernisation of existing technical infrastructure (e.g. construction or extension of buildings, connections or extension of technological networks and utilities, purchasing specialist office equipment).

4. Promotional activities resulting from the centre’s development strategy implemented in terms of the publicity of the pro-innovation business environment institutions locally, regionally and internationally, first of all through the preparation of audiovisual materials and presentations in the media, organisation of seminars and conferences.

Minimum value of the project: PLN 40 mln

Minimum own contribution: 15% of the value of the project eligible expenditure.


Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Krucza St. 50

00-025 Warsaw

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