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17 January 2019

The Polish company is a leader in innovative solutions in the blood donation industry

We all know how important blood donation is, but not everyone knows how complicated the system of blood and plasma uptake, storage and transport is. In Poland, we have 23 blood banks and 140 blood centers, which are also systematically modernized thanks to the technological solutions of the Polish company M2MTeam from Warsaw.

- We provide an innovative and unique automation system designed for the needs of blood donation and the plasma industry. Our technology is adapted to be used in extreme conditions. We have launched 7 plasma storage projects in Poland, covering a total of 375,000 units of this blood component - says Grzegorz Piestrak, President of the Management Board of M2MTeam.

The company's solutions were introduced to the fullest extent at the blood donation center in Gdańsk. M2MTeam designed and built there an extremely technologically advanced building, stuffed with the state-of-the-art systems.

It's time to conquer foreign markets

After the successes in Poland, the time has come for the international expansion. The Middle East turned out to be a particularly interesting region from the point of view of the company's management. PAIH came with the support. Thanks to the consultancy, M2MTeam will be present at the forthcoming Arab Health Fair in Dubai. As part of the implementation of the Brand program, the space of the Polish national stand will be made available to the company for the  meetings with the contractors.

It is worth noting that the national stands at the largest trade fairs in the world are networking places that any Polish company can use. They serve primarily as a place of business meetings with foreign contractors, but also between Polish companies, which thanks to PAIH's activities begin to operate on foreign markets in a complementary way.

Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Krucza St. 50

00-025 Warsaw

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