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16 January 2019

PAIH marks record year

Last year, the Polish Investment Agency and Trade (PAIH) completed 71 investment projects, amounted to record EUR 2.13bn. “This was PAIH’s best year in terms of investors’ support. Since 2015, the total CAPEX has increased from EUR 500m to over EUR 2bn. The last 12 months have been amazingly good, we exceeded the 2018 high numbers in both number of projects and value. The following ones could be even better” – Krzysztof Senger, acting President, PAIH, stresses.
  • In 2018, PAIH completed 71 FDI projects
  • Majority of projects (15) regarded BSS
  • USA was the biggest investor in terms of the number of projects (24 out of 71)
  • The current pipeline is dominated by e-mobility and BSS projects
  • 2018 was a record year in terms of both number and CAPEX of FDI projects

American investors are involved in the majority of the completed projects (24), followed by German (10) and French (7). The total CAPEX (capital expenditures) of the US-originated investments was the highest and totalled EUR 600m. Although e-mobility projects did not reach the top of the PAIH 2018 portfolio in terms of both value and number, the importance of the sector has been growing steadily.

"The largest investment last year was of Belgian Umicore's cathode materials production plant. Thus, Asian-based investors are not the only ones who have chosen Poland as heart of e-mobility sector in the CEE" - Krzysztof Senger, acting PAIH President, argues.

Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) works to increase the inflow of investments to Poland and the outflow of Polish FDI. It also does it best to intensify the Polish exports. Supporting entrepreneurs, the Agency assists in overcoming administrative and legal procedures related to specific projects as well as helps to develop legal solutions, find a suitable location, reliable partners and suppliers.


Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Krucza St. 50

00-025 Warsaw

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